Hey there, Mama!
Welcome to the Stress Free Supermom blog. I'm excited you're here, and I'm even more thrilled to share this journey with you.
As a busy mom, I understand the constant whirlwind of stress, anxiety, and the eternal juggling act we call life. That's why I'm passionate about sharing practical tips and strategies to help us transition from chaos to calm.
Let's kick things off by talking about something we all tend to overlook—self-care. Honestly, it has always been easy for me to put everyone else first: kids, family, work. But too often, I found myself neglecting my own needs, believing that self-care was selfish or indulgent. Maybe you've felt that way, too. But here's the truth: if we neglect ourselves, we can't truly be there for our loved ones.
“If you’re not taking care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of others.”
Prioritizing self-care reduces stress, anxiety, and even depression. Who doesn't want a sense of calm in this chaotic life? Here are a few benefits of self-care to consider:
Let's get into the famous "Oxygen Mask" policy. On an airplane, you're reminded to put your oxygen mask on first before helping others. This is crucial because if we don’t, we might not be able to assist those around us. This is exactly why self-care should never be seen as selfish—it enables us to care for our kids and families better.
You might be wondering, what exactly falls under self-care? It took me years to figure out, but here are some personal favorites that have worked wonders:
I know it can be tough to carve out "me time," especially when you're knee-deep in family commitments. Here's what I do:
Join me in the Stress Free Supermom Facebook group where we can create a supportive network of supermoms cheering each other on. It's a private space for sharing experiences and getting through challenges together.
Remember, self-care isn't selfish—it's essential. By taking care of yourself first, you're better equipped to care for those who matter most.
Thank you so much for joining me on this self-care exploration. I can't wait to hear your thoughts, and if you found this helpful, please connect with our community.
Stay tuned, as I'll be delving into more exciting topics soon!
With love and calmness,
Deanna Hart