5 Minute Stress Busters for Busy Moms

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    11: A Busy Mom's Guide to Actually Achieving Your Goals (Part 4)

    Celebrating Our Wins

    A few years ago, when I was working on my weight loss journey, my coach asked how I planned to celebrate achieving my goal. I sat there, drawing a blank. Celebrate? The small stuff? Like choosing water over wine or getting an extra workout in? It felt silly - these weren't "real" achievements, right?

    But here's what changed everything for me.

    Understanding Why We Struggle to Celebrate

    For years, I waited to celebrate until I hit that magic number on the scale. But guess what? Those big moments rarely came, and I missed acknowledging all the tiny victories along the way. I thought I was the only one struggling with this until I started talking to other moms who felt the same way.

    "As a busy supermom, it's easy to just do what we need to do and keep moving forward with our head down, not stopping to acknowledge that what we're doing really does matter."


    Here's The Hidden Power of Small Celebrations

    Everything shifted when I started celebrating the small stuff. That time I stayed calm during my son's meltdown instead of losing my cool? Win! Getting the dishes done when I was exhausted? Victory! Choosing a healthier lunch? Progress! Each acknowledgment built momentum toward bigger changes. AND....

    "Those tiny wins started to build confidence in myself. Confidence that allowed me to keep moving forward and continue to make progress."


    But, What Counts as a Win?

    • Getting laundry done when exhausted
    • Choosing water over wine
    • Staying calm during challenges
    • Maintaining consistency with daily tasks
    • Setting and keeping boundaries

    You See......

    "Your small wins can create momentum, and if you take the time to acknowledge them, give yourself credit, pat yourself on the back, do whatever you can do to make yourself feel good about what you did, that helps build that momentum and keeps you moving forward."


    Enter The Daily Win Check-in Strategy

    Here's what works for me: Every night, after my kids are in bed, I take a moment to acknowledge one win from my day. Sometimes it's as simple as saying, "Good job, Deanna. You chose a healthy lunch today." It might sound silly, but this small habit has transformed how I view progress.

    And Remember: Your celebrations don't need to be elaborate.

    I used to think I needed grand gestures to mark progress. Now, I know that simple self-encouragement - even just a mental high-five - builds the momentum needed for lasting change.

    So, Here's a simple way to start celebrating your wins:

    1. Set a nightly reminder on your phone
    2. Reflect on your day when things are quiet
    3. Name one small win
    4. Give yourself credit (either mentally or out loud)

    Also Remember:  Simple self-encouragement builds the momentum needed keep moving forward.

    And, Here's your Action Steps:

    1. Start your daily win check-in tonight
    2. Share your wins using #stressfreemomwins
    3. Listen to our next episode about simple systems for challenging families

    The Journey Forward

    You know what amazes me most about my journey as a mom? It's not the big achievements - it's realizing how those small daily choices add up to life-changing results. Each time you choose patience over frustration, self-care over burnout, or progress over perfection, you're building a stronger foundation for yourself and your family.

    Today, I challenge you to start celebrating your wins - no matter how small they seem. Maybe you got everyone out the door on time (victory!), or finally said "no" to that extra commitment (boundaries for the win!). These moments matter more than you know.

    Want More Support?

    Listen to the full episode of Stress-Free Supermoms Podcast where I dive deeper into celebration strategies and share more personal stories about how celebrating small wins transformed my approach to goal-setting. Just search "Stress-Free Supermoms" wherever you listen to podcasts, or click here to listen now.

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    Remember: You're doing better than you think, and those small steps you're taking? They're leading you exactly where you need to go. Keep going, Supermom. I'm cheering you on!

    Your fellow mom in the trenches, Deanna